Shins splints and leg pain can affect anyone, but is more typically seen in recreational exercisers and athletes. 10-15% of all running injuries are shin splints causing excruciating leg pain. The term ‘shin splints’ is a general term that refers to a number of leg pains associated with exercise. The type, duration and time the pain appears when exercising helps to diagnose the type of shin splint and how it can be treated. Continued exercise without adequate treatment can quickly lead to increased leg pain and a more serious injury.
Podiatrists see shin splints almost every day, and can prescribe the best method of treatment for your individual situation. Contact Instep Podiatry today and start your treatment for shin splints to reduce leg pain.
Instep Podiatry have extensive history in diagnosing and treating shin splints and leg pain. If you are experiencing shin splints or leg pain we recommend taking a footwear assessment and biomechanical analysis with one of our trained and highly-skilled podiatrists. At Instep, our podiatrists are able to correctly diagnose the cause of your pain or discomfort and undertake the necessary treatments. We will also educate you on preventative measures to alleviate leg pains caused from shin splints.
If you regularly suffer from shin splints and leg pains, talk to Instep Podiatry today to see how we can help you, contact us for a consultation.
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